The Center for Nursing Excellence is proud to announce the 2023 Evidence Based Practice Symposium featuring UVA Health's Nurse Scientist, Pam DeGuzman.

Interested in evidence-based practice, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you just want to brush the cobwebs off your evidence-based practice skill set? Either way, the Evidence Based Practice Symposium can help you jump start your efforts. Join for a day of evidence-based practice, along with nurses from across the Medical Center conducting evidence-based practice projects that are leading to critical practice changes and better patient outcomes!

Friday, May 12, 2023 I 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

UVA North Fork Discovery Park, Towne Center Four

994 Research Park Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA 22911

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognize the Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice as a guide for conducting an evidence-based practice project.
  • Write a searchable, answerable PICO question.
  • Develop inclusion criteria for a PICO-driven literature search.
  • Articulate the major elements of a scientific abstract that are considered when finding evidence to answer an evidence-based practice question

Sponsored by: Nursing Professional Governance Organization

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