The NPGO Bylaws convenes an essential nursing professional governance group to oversee the core missions of Clinical Practice and Quality on behalf of their UVA Health nursing colleagues.
The Central NPGO Clinical Practice Committee promotes excellence in evidence-based nursing practice in all clinical settings by guiding the development, implementation and evaluation of nursing practice and documentation standards at UVA Health (see Operational Guideline). The committee collaborates with NPGO Regional and interprofessional committees, the Nursing Policy Program, and other quality improvement groups to make decisions for nursing clinical concerns across UVA Health.
The Clinical Practice Committee also communicates impacts to nursing practice, workflow, supply changes, systems updates, etc. to all UVA Health nurses via the regular online publication of its Practice News. The committee reports directly to the Nursing Cabinet, providing a summary of activities and recommendations to improve patient outcomes.
The NPGO utilizes evidence to improve care and achieve excellent outcomes throughout the institution. The annual EBP Symposium showcases the latest evidence and often features nurse-led research and quality improvement projects.
UVA Health nurses promote a commitment to quality and patient safety through monitoring of outcomes data, interprofessional collaborations, and ongoing improvements via their local professional governance work. The Data Dashboard tracks key outcome metrics on behalf of nursing and the organization. The Clinical Practice Committee, among other improvement-oriented groups, reviews nurse-sensitive quality metric performance trends, and nurse leaders select high-performing practice areas to receive awards for sustained excellence and Improvements in nursing quality.